Friday, July 27, 2007

Jul. 27, 2007 - Day One on Drugs
I'm sure you'll all be fascinated by this saga (yeah, right). I finally had enough of my ever-increasing migraines and went to the doctor. He put me on Topamax, an anti-seizure medication that prevents migraines. There's a huge laundry list of side effects, the best of which is effortless weight loss. I'm looking forward to that!That having been said, the others are not so fun. Inability to form and find words (yes, I'll be teaching high school writing in co-op), inability to focus (yes, we'll be doing chemistry this year), stupidity - they call it Dopa-Max, and a host of other fun stuff. So far today, after one dose last night, I am experiencing a burst of energy, some trouble with words, and a bit of dry mouth. I haven't lost one ounce of weight. I truly expected to be down a size by this morning. Sigh. What IS the matter with the pharmaceutical industry these days?Alas. I soldier on. Stupidity and skinniness, here I come.

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Summer Iris

Summer Iris